Updated WHMCS domain renewal template

As you may know, WHMCS emails can be edited and templated. There’s a good deal of work that can be done here. The next set of articles will focus on this ability, and changing WHMCS emails to suit your needs. As always, if you need assistance, or would like us to help you customize the WHMCS emails to your liking, do contact us .

First up? An updated WHMCS domain renewal template.

The problem:

When receiving the default domain renewal notice, your client can be confused. Is their domain renewing automatically? Is their domain not renewing automatically? Of course, this leads to a support ticket which will mean more work for you.

The solution:

This updated WHMCS domain renewal template will address this problem. When your client receives this email, they will know if they need to take action. This will provide the added benefit of cutting down on support tickets.

The Template:
  1. Go into whmcs -> admin -> setup -> email templates. Edit the ‘Upcoming Domain Renewal Notice’ template.
  2. Toggle the ‘Enable / Disable Rich Text Editor’ option (you don’t want this enabled right now)
  3. Copy and paste the following code , replacing everything in the text box
Dear {$client_name},

{if $days_until_expiry}The domain(s) listed below are due to expire within the next {$days_until_expiry} days.{else}The domain(s) listed below are going to expire in {$domain_days_until_expiry} days. Renew now before it's too late...{/if}

{if $expiring_domains}
{foreach from=$expiring_domains item=domain}{$domain.name} - {$domain.nextduedate} ({$domain.days} Days) - {if $domain_do_not_renew} Auto renewal disabled{else} Auto renew enabled, no action necessary{/if}

{elseif $domains}{foreach from=$domains item=domain}{$domain.name} - {$domain.nextduedate} - {if $domain_do_not_renew} Auto renew disabled{else} Auto renew enabled, no action necessary{/if}

{else}{$domain_name} - {$domain_next_due_date} ({$domain_days_until_nextdue} Days) - {if $domain_do_not_renew} Auto renew disabled{else} Auto renew enabled, no action necessary{/if}


To ensure the domain does not expire, you should renew it now. You can do this from the domains management section of our client area here: {$whmcs_link}

Should you allow the domain to expire, you will be able to renew it for up to 30 days after the renewal date. During this time, the domain will not be accessible so any web site or email services associated with it will stop working.



Save your template, and you’re done.